European Kaki fruits

A burst of flavor!


With their vibrant orange colour, crispy texture, seedless, and a size that can reach up to 400 grams, Rojo Brillante kaki’s grown in Spain are renowned for their exceptional quality and deliciously sweet, mellow taste.

These fruits are cultivated under the warm Mediterranean sun, where the trees absorb all the essential nutrients for their growth. The region is famous for the fertility of its soil and its mild climate, which, along with a long-standing agricultural tradition, gives kaki’s their unique colour, firm skin, and unmatched flavour.

The consumption process does not begin immediately after harvest. The fruits are stored in special chambers for around 20 hours to remove their astringency. They are then carefully hand-selected according to their size and colour. Kaki’s can be enjoyed fresh, even with their skin, or added to salads and jams, always providing their sweet, distinctive taste